Swami Ramana Swaroopananda
Acharya & Founder Trustee
An ardent devotee of Sri Arunachala Ramana and an earnest seeker following the path of Atma Vichara. Studied Hindu scriptures at the feet of learned Acharyas in Sandeepany Sadhanalya, Mumbai founded by Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji and has been teaching Sri Adi Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta for two decades all over the globe.
R.S. Pandurangan
Managing Trustee
An ardent devotee of Sri Arunachala Ramana
D. K. S. Moorthy
An ardent devotee of Sri Arunachala Ramana
M. P. Sivakumar
An ardent devotee of Sri Arunachala Ramana
H. Shyam Sankar
An ardent devotee of Sri Arunachala Ramana
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